Design effectiveness* is not just about flashy graphics.
Order Form
Wiltshire Farm Foods provide home delivery of meals across the country. For many years we have designed the order form which they send to customers alongside the brochure.
Using RNIB guidelines on legibility we design a form that is easy to read while containing a huge amount of information – it’s in making that work is what truly effective graphic design is all about.
We also independently liaise with over 50 franchises around the UK, many of whom have a unique mix of meal pack offers. Each franchisee’s form is personalised. A combined c500,000 print run makes this quite a logistical feat.
On the face of it this may not be the flashiest piece of creative design work in town – but delivering the form twice a year on tight deadlines – and strictly to budget – is something we are very proud of.
*89% of clients view ‘good design’ as a very important contributor to brand success.
Source: ‘What clients think 2018’ by Up to the Light. A report based on 500 client interviews conducted on behalf of design agencies.